Thursday, July 10, 2008

In class

Here I sit waiting for the next six week oddisey (wow, i am falling apart already, i can't even spell) of learning to take place and let me tell you I am somewhat scared of the latest proposition. I am in a statistics class and might I add not looking forward to it. Like finance and accounting which happened several months ago it deals largely with math. I hate math. Math sucks. I became a librarian just so I did not have to do math. This class is required so here I sit. 

Wish me luck all of you math wizzes
I wish I were one of you


Meemer said...

i'm so not a math wizz. i'm not even close! so , uh, good luck?

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

I have to admit math escapes me as well. My friend's 6 year old can ballance my check book better than me. So good luck cuzin. Miss you. :)