I hate being sick. I have way too much homework and papers to write to be sick like this. It was sorta funny all three of us being squashed in one exam room and it became a contest as to who had the highest fever and the highest blood pressure. D won for fever I won for blood pressure. That was okay because he was the one who got the q-tip shoved up his nose for the flu test. Boo has missed way to much school already and I feel bad that she feels bad. D has been a trouper going to work despite feeling like crap. I am a wimp but when I go to work they send me home.
The positive is one more week and then only one class (yeah) I end the dreaded hated class of the last little while. Because of the holiday break this class has been two months long. I am very excited to finally have it over with. I just keep thinking 9 more weeks and it will all be done.
Have to go watch Tucker and write a paper on it.
wish me luck