If you get tagged, you have to list 10 things that make you happy. What are the things that tickle your fancy, make you smile or still give you that butterfly sensation? What things do you seek out and truly enjoy? The only rule is that you can't say your kids or your spouse...it's too easy.
My sis tagged me to answer this so here goes
10 - watching a great game of soccer played by my kids. I love to watch Boo play soccer, kick some butt and get better and better every game. Her team has so far won two games and tied one so way to go La Rocca
9- Finding that special book that connects with someone - I know it is my job but there is something special when you help someone find a book that they really connect with and I love it when they come back and tell me how much they loved it. It is especially cool when it is a kid who hates to read.
8- really good music, I love music and I will listen to about anything. I enjoy sitting in a quiet room with my ipod listening to not only the songs I grew up with but some of the new cool stuff my kids listen too. I love instrumental music, soundtracks, oldy goldies, hair bands, you name it.
7- A really good book, nothing better
6- Movies - I love to go to the movie. I don't get to very often but I love the smell of the popcorn and the excitement waiting for those previews to roll across the screen
5- A new car - this does not happen very often but I love the smell and how much fun it is to drive a new car that doesnt rattle, that no one has puked in yet and is just a little cool
4 - An A. I love it when I worked really hard on an assignment at school and I finally get what the teacher wants and end up with an A. Nothing is better than opening up that grade book to see that I was rewarded for all of the hard work
3- Listening to my girls play Cello or Violin. I love to hear them practice and play and get better all of the time. It just makes me feel so good to hear them.
2- Going on vacation - Getting away from home and seeing new and fun things with my family.
1- I know you said no spouses but I really love spending time with my Husband. With our totally different work schedules I love having free days that we can spend time together even just grocery shopping.
I tag my lovely daughters, my cool california cousin and my sister in law in Idaho.
Your turns-