Wednesday, October 29, 2008

election crazy

So far I kept my feelings and comments to myself about the elections and all that is going on in our world. When people would discuss, often heatidly, about who is who and what is what and what crazy man picks a running mate who has no experience I have shook or bobbed my head in accordance with their views. I know of people who get daily multiple emails about who they should vote for according to religion. It is all just crazy.

We are all individuals and the right to vote is our right. Who we decide to vote for whether it be Super Dell for Governor (not likely) or which of these two guys running for president, is our own personal decision and truthfully no one needs to know. I don't believe that anyone has the right to make my decisions for me or tell me what to do. We fought a war to gain these rights and as citizens it is our duty to make use of them.

I admit that this is a very important election. The country is in a mess that whoever we choose is going to have to find a way out of. This will not be an easy fix as it is going to take a long time to get though the current financial trouble and get us back on a positive track. No one, even Obama or McCain has a magic wand that they are going to wave and poof we all are happy and weathly and wise and our houses are worth millions again and anyone can get credit. It is not going to happen.

Choose who you think will do the best job, read up on the issues, be and informed voter, do not let any one group sway your decisions, make up your own mind, and most of all get out and vote. It is your right and responsibility.


big d said...

most people aren't really voting for who they want to be president, they are voting against the one they don't want. it's the american way!

until enough voters realize that the only way to get other choices (besides the two that are promoted by their respective gang) is to vote for someone from a third party (gasp!) in sufficient numbers to force the liberals and the conservatives to listen to the people!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

hey we have prop 8 in california. it's to vote on gay marraige. I love it! I already voted for gay marraige.....Misery for all I say! LOL!