As many know I work at a library, these are some of the classic questions that I have gotten asked. It does make we wonder at the state of the world.
phone call-
patron- do you have any books?
Patron "why do I have a fine?"
Library clerk "it is for such and such (lost book)"
Patron "it's not lost I know exactly where it is"
Patron (different patron) "you mean I have to bring those items back?"
Patron on phone "Hi, I was wondering if you had some dinosaur sounds"
Librarian "like dinosaur sound effects"
Patron "no, actual recordings of dinosaurs"
Librarian " Well no, I might have sound effects"
Patron "Why not, I figure dinosaur recordings would be popular"
Librarian "because tape recorders did not exist when the dinosaurs were around"
Patron "do you have a picture of george washington?"
librarian "I have some pictures here of famous paintings of george"
Patron "No I need a photograph of george washington for school"
Librarian "Sorry no pictures of george of washington exist"
Patron "why not? he was really famous"
librarian "there were not any camera's around when George Washington was alive"